The Boat That Rocker was directed and created by Richard Curtis and was released in May 2009. It fell under the genre of comedy and was the story of the pirate radio station called Radio Caroline.
It was produced by Working Title and Universal pictures however did not do as well as people thought it would do, grossing only 6.1 million in it's first 12 weeks. The Boat That Rocked
was distributed by United international pictures, the boat that rocked was exhibited differently for the North American to British release to gain maximum reach all over and it was released in the April half term in Britain to 400 hundred cinemas.
It was recieved badly at the cinemas as critics said that the running time of 2 hours 15 minutes was too long for British audiences, so they shortened it for North America. This was a surprise for the production team as they believed that it would do well as if appeal to people alive in the 60's but it also appeals to the younger audiences who are intrested in conventional things such as sex, drugs and rock and roll.
By releasing the DVD in Britain in September, this played a huge advantage to DVD sales, as in the colder months less people wanted to go out, more wanted to stay at home and rent/buy/watch films, so this was a popular choice, also as it’s a comedy it lightened peoples moods in the depressing darker colder months- so was a popular choice.
By Joe Wilkinson